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Reference number
Funding from Vinnova SEK 656 808
Project duration June 2018 - September 2019
Status Completed
Venture 2014-06304-en
Call Normcritical Innovation : Innovation project

Important results from the project

The project offered a swim school with sign language and visual support for children with hearing loss and deaf. Women with competencies in sign language were offed a swim teacher and leadership education. Goal 1: To give children with hearing loss an inclusive start in sport, though a swim school that communicates though sign language, visual aid, and speech. Goal 2: Work towards gender equal leadership through offering women with sign language competencies a swim teacher education. Goal 3: A visual aid was made for the swim school classes illustrating key learning elements.

Expected long term effects

A total of nine swim school courses were held, including five to nine children in each course. Four women and one man initiated the swim teacher education course and four fulfilled the course. A new visual aid was illustrated and tested. Knowledge about the project including the challenge and our solution have been spread though social media channels; Instagram and Facebook, ‘Simlabbet’ and though the magazine Auris (HRF member magazine) and though tradional media as TV 4 morning news, newspapers as Västerbottens kuriren, Umeå Tidningen and radio P4 Västerbotten.

Approach and implementation

The first step was recruiting people to the swim teacher education. As the group of possible candidates were quite narrow sign language skill was included as a demand and following as a merit, hearing loss experience and young age. The swim teacher education was valuable in terms of pedagogic learning and water safety skills. The leadership education was a good place for reflection and self-knowledge. The swim school reach kids in need of sign language though a school and preschool focused on kids with hearing loss. The evaluation showed that parents and kids were satisfied with the course.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 8 January 2019

Reference number 2018-01691