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Swedish-American Life science Summit 2017

Reference number
Coordinator Du Haan Groupe Inc, 003136-9895 - SALSS
Funding from Vinnova SEK 175 000
Project duration April 2017 - September 2017
Status Completed

Important results from the project

Swedish-American Life Science Summit is a network and annual conference bringing together high-profile scientists, corporate executives and investors acting within the Life Science industry. Aim is to stimulate entrepreneurship, facilitate R&D and innovation by increasing investments, knowledge exchange and partnership, thus establish Stockholm as forefront, international innovation and research hub. SALSS 2017 has received particularly positive feedback from participants, attention in media and created interest in future SALSS, showing proof of achieving its aims.

Expected long term effects

SALSS 2015 has resulted in new relations between investors, companies and professionals in Life Science, debate and knowledge exchange, media attention, and potential transactions. Expected results include improved international awareness about Swedish corporations and increased engagement in Swedish economy. Today SALSS is an international network and meeting point. Going forward SALSS is expected to grow to a global forum for investors, companies and scientist from all over the world, hence contributing to securing financing by countries with the greatest capital surplus.

Approach and implementation

SALSS is run on project-basis. Project Manager worked part-time Oct-16 through Apr-17, and full-time May through Sep, supported primarily by the Chair. Responsibilities included establishing contacts with sponsor and partner companies, financial planning, inviting speakers, companies and participants, arranging facilities and logistics, follow-up and evaluation. Logistics Coordinator, Project Assistant and stewards worked part-time. Chair pursues strategic work actively throughout the year, by marketing and connecting companies, financiers and other co-partners.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2017-02874