SuRF-LSAM: Developing Sustainable Resilient circular economy microFactories with LSAM
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Coordinator | Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Inst f Tekn ekonomi & organisation |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 8 124 962 |
Project duration | May 2023 - May 2026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme for Production2030 |
Purpose and goal
SuRF-LSAM lays the foundation for tomorrow´s global network of circular economy microfactories through the following goals: 1) implement a circular economy LSAM (large-scale additive manufacturing) microfactory concept in Portugal and Sweden, 2) increase recycling of polymer waste materials into secondary raw materials for LSAM, 3) reduce material, energy, and other resource usage through an optimized LSAM process, 4) extend the life of products and production systems through LSAM of new components, and 5) facilitate the creation of a LSAM microfactory network.
Expected effects and result
The project will have the following effects: 1) reduced transportation climate impact, 2) reduced usage of virgin polymers, 3) reduced lead times and times to market, 4) reduced production and delivery times; which will lead to an overarching improved circularity and competitiveness of Sweden´s manufacturing industry due to a) increased use of recycled waste materials in LSAM and b) implementation of a circular economy network of microfactories concept. In summary, the project will digitally transition manufacturing for a more sustainable and circular future (SDGs 9,11,12,14).
Planned approach and implementation
Led by Chalmers University of Technology, SuRF-LSAM runs from May 2023 to May 2026 and has a total budget of 29 Mkr (9 Mkr from Vinnova). It has five work packages: Project Management, Supply Chain & Sustainability, Material & Process Characterization, Material & Process Analysis, and Microfactory Network Implementation. Swedish partners are RISE, Adaxis, Add:North, Artex, Brandworks, Ekbacken Studios, PaperShell, and The Industry Sweden, and Portuguese partners are AGIX, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Ocean Tech Hub, Penimar, ScalesOceans, and University of Coimbra.