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Strategy for cooperation regionally, nationally and internationally for SIP Lightweight - an individual project

Reference number
Coordinator Swerea IVF AB - Avdelningen för Tillverkning
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 500 000
Project duration January 2017 - September 2018
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The objective has been to develop a strategy for enhancing the Swedish National Lightweight Agenda through cooperation at regional and international level. The strategy work has strengthened SIP LIGHTer’s international ambitions and created a consensus on how international work contributes to the implementation of the Lightweight Agenda. For regional nodes, the strategy work has highlighted how the national platform can be strengthened and create more resources to implement the Lightweight Agenda through regional cooperation.

Expected long term effects

Two strategic agendas have been developed and approved by SIP LIGHTer’s board, one for international cooperation and one for regional LIGHTer nodes. Lightweight innovation creates prerequisites for handeling the challenging environmental goals facing the world. The operations of SIP LIGHTer are governed by the strategic research and innovation agenda called the Lightweight Agenda. By developing a strategy for SIP LIGHTer’s cooperation at regional and international level, the ambition is to create more opportunities for realizing the Lightweight Agenda.

Approach and implementation

Two strategic discussions with the board of SIP LIGHTer were the foundation of the strategic work. Following the discussions, a team developed the strategy in steps followed by anchoring with a dedicated group from the board and the program management team. For the regional strategy, regional actors have also been linked to the work. The commitment of the board and program management team has been crucial for an anchored strategy.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 8 January 2019

Reference number 2017-01612