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Standardization of Metal Additive Manufacturing

Reference number
Coordinator Swerim AB - Swerim AB, Kista
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 000 000
Project duration September 2019 - April 2020
Status Completed
Venture Strengthening Sweden’s role in international standardization
Call Standardization in order to gain access to new markets

Important results from the project

Additive manufacturing (AM) of metal is a relatively new technology under fast development and a rapidly growing market where the lack of standards is an obstacle. The project has made a solid and well supported base for a Swedish standardization roadmap for metal additive manufacturing. This has resulted in a clear direction for continued standardization work in SIS/TK563 Additive manufacturing, as well as providing input for the need for additional research before standardization.

Expected long term effects

The result of the project has been a clearer picture of the state of the art of standardization within metal additive manufacturing and the demands from Swedish industry. This can be used to promote and contribute to global standards within prioritized areas to open the market for Swedish industry. Metal additive manufacturing is a rapidly growing market where global standards are expected to contribute to further increase the market in total, as well as the share for Swedish industry.

Approach and implementation

A review of existing standards and ongoing standardization work within metal AM has been performed. Today, 25 standards are under development and approximately the same number of standards already exist. Input on needs for standardization from Swedish Industry has been gathered from stakeholders along the metal AM value chain. This has been done through a survey, interviews, and a workshop on February 5th, 2020, with around 30 participants. The survey gave a good base for discussions around needs, that could be elaborated further in interviews and in the workshop.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 3 July 2020

Reference number 2019-01080

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