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Smart city concepts in Curitiba - innovation for mobility and energy efficiency

Reference number
Coordinator KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN - Energi och klimatstudier
Funding from Vinnova SEK 5 000 000
Project duration October 2014 - April 2018
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The overall objective of the project was to explore innovative and sustainable urban solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from bus transport. Two electric buses were tested, their environmental impact evaluated, and challenges related to system-level scalability were analyzed. The role of information technology for improved planning and operation of electricity-based public transport was also investigated. The project contributed to the establishment of an open data policy which made results more relevant to real problems.

Expected long term effects

An innovative interdisciplinary platform for bilateral international cooperation has been established. The results provide insight to decision makers for planning sustainable urban policies, especially in relation to mobility. The project contributed to the establishment of strong cooperation between the consortium partners and other companies and actors from Sweden and Brazil. The created platform is a reference and can catalyze activities within a Swedish-Brazilian partnership.

Approach and implementation

Two electric buses were tested, their environmental impact evaluated and scalability issues analyzed. Energy efficiency, local and greenhouse gas emissions and noise were analyzed in relation to bus electrification. The impact of digitization and logistics was investigated. An innovation platform was established between Swedish and Brazilian actors that include research, exchange, education, adoption of evidence-based policy, technology transfer and improved transport.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 8 January 2019

Reference number 2014-03284