SIP PiiA Aktiviteter 2017-2019
Reference number | |
Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - SICS Swedish ICT Västerås AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 16 800 000 |
Project duration | January 2017 - September 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The goal of the program is to strengthen and support the Swedish process industry in its journey towards digitization. During this three year period the program have had bi annual calls with focus on digital value chains and how to cope with data sharing and advanced data analytics in an industrial context. Several reports have been published on how digitization is affecting the process industry and the current status on advanced anlytics such as AI etc. Six post-docs have been funded through the program.
Expected long term effects
The program has contributed to an increased understanding on the possibilites with digitization. Through projects and other activities the program has increased awareness and in many cases also helped companies to start implement more advanced data analysis methods such as AI. Based on the evaluation that took place during 2019 it is clear that PiiA has contributed to a clear added value and that many projects would not happened without the funding and support.
Approach and implementation
The program has been coordinated by RISE but with a distributed management team with representatives from among others Auotmation region and ProcessIT. This has been an effective way of running the program since these actors have a strong local presence and crucial in attracting SMEs. The four activity areas have all contributed to an increased understanding for industrial digitization but also with concrete actions through projects and other activities.