Silvicultural expansion for improved establishment of short fibre tree species using arGrow Granulat
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Coordinator | Arevo AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 465 000 |
Project duration | June 2021 - May 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Competence centre |
Important results from the project
The project´s aim is to develop Arevo´s biostimulant technology for use on deciduous trees such as birch and eucalyptus. The project´s objective is to quantify the effects the technology has on growth of birch in the field and to identify opportunities and potential limitations when used on a plant group, eucalyptus, which biologically differs radically from Nordic tree species. The goal of the work with eucalyptus could be fulfilled through greenhouse experiments. The objectives have thus been met through the tests that have been carried out.
Expected long term effects
Results: Supply of arGrow granules when planting birch gives a direct and clear positive effect on both survival and growth, which was documented after field planting. The greenhouse experiments with eucalyptus showed that eucalyptus plants respond very positively to the combination arGrow and a water-retaining substance, hydrogel. Both root development and shoot growth were stimulated by arGrow granules and a higher dose gave a stronger effect.
Approach and implementation
The project was carried out in two steps. 1. Tests on silver birch were performed in collaboration with SLU in two different investigations. In the first, arGrow granular was added in three different field trials; two in N Sweden and one in S Sweden and survival and growth was assessed. In the second investigation, arGrow was tested in large-scale trials in S and N Sweden and intreractions with age of the clear cut, scarification method etc was assessed. In step 2, greenhouse experiments with euclayptus tested different dosing rates and drought schemes as well as hydrogel interactions.