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sensLab Phase 3 - Prototype: Citizen-initiated Monitoring for Equal Connected Health

Reference number
Coordinator Västra Götalandsregionen - Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset Centrum för Digital Hälsa
Funding from Vinnova SEK 2 500 000
Project duration March 2023 - November 2024
Status Ongoing
Venture The strategic innovation programme for the Internet of Things
Call IoT for innovative social benefits and a better life for everyone in a connected world

Purpose and goal

The project aims to increase the ability of Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) in developing and testing concepts and prototypes by involving citizens, patients and healthcare staff. The goal is to, by the end of 2024, develop a prototype based on the core idea of citizen-initiated remote monitoring. Citizen-initiated remote monitoring roughly means that the citizen share their self-collected health data with SU, where data can be visualized in a user-friendly way based on different clinical areas, whereupon the care staff provides treatment recommendations back to the citizen.

Expected effects and result

When citizens can share their self-collected health data with SU and, after treatment recommendation, gets their health data back, the data privacy of the citizen can be respected at the same time as safety and accessibility to care increases. The intended result of the prototype is to carry the packaged requirements of healthcare and citizens for how citizen-initiated monitoring should be designed to achieve user-friendliness of modern efficient digital care and health - to the benefit of both the individual and society.

Planned approach and implementation

Using sensLab as an enabler for concept development and prototyping, fast decision-making and high flexibility in the development process can be achieved. Work is carried out locally at SU by designers and developers together with citizens, patients and clinicians from five main clinical areas - emergency department, rheumatology, children´s medicine, cardiology and neurology. The focus is mainly user studies as well as technical development and testing. For learning and dissemination of results, the Chalmers-led initiative "When care moves home" adds well to the project.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 30 November 2023

Reference number 2022-03756