SAMCITY - Sustainable Supply Chain Distribution in an Attractive City
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Coordinator | MALMÖ KOMMUN - Gatukontoret - MALMÖ KOMMUN |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 4 150 000 |
Project duration | May 2014 - August 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-driven innovation - Phase 2 Collaboration |
Call | Challenge-driven innovation - Stage 2 Collaboration (2014) |
Important results from the project
The primary purpose was to test and evaluate a coordinated freight transport model in a pilot test in Malmö, where both public (municipal) and private flows of goods were combined. The project also set out to highlight issues such as traffic regulations, clean vehicles and public procurement in the context of coordinated freight distribution. All these aims have been fulfilled, which in turn has resulted in lessons learned from the pilot test, as well as in five different publications dealing with the highlighted focus issues mentioned above.
Expected long term effects
The anticipated result in the shorter run was an implemented one-year-pilot-test. The business model has been tested according to this plan, and both barriers and possibilities have been identified in real-life conditions. Moreover, the project has resulted in publications and reports that has given a much better understanding of the effects that the coordinated freight system can have on the environment, as well as of barriers and possibilities concerning local traffic regulations and of public procurement in relation to coordinated freight transports.
Approach and implementation
The overall project has implemented 5 sub-projects. The main project was the pilot test, a real-life test of the business model for a coordinated freight system. Sub-project 2 has been focusing on clean distribution vehicles and their applicability. Within sub-project 3 a freight flow model that shows potential effects of the model has been constructed. Sub-project 4 looked at barriers and possibilities when it comes to public procurement and the combination of public and private flows. Sub-project 5 set out to highlight how traffic regulations can support coordinated flows of goods.