Right hit - a gender equal search for drugs. A norm critical profiling of drug addicts through apps and games.
Reference number | |
Coordinator | POLISMYNDIGHETEN - HR-avdelningen |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 687 116 |
Project duration | October 2015 - August 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | 2014-06304-en |
Purpose and goal
The objective is to develop the Police´s systematic analysis within drug surveillance in order to challenge current norms. In that way more potential groups of drug addicts and sellers can be identified. Gender equal drug surveillance gives further effects on gender equality within the Police. The aim is to develop an electronic device to expand the norm for who is the drug addict and in that way better find the drug abuse and the selling of drugs among women. The electronic device contains different parts, an app or a game, an educational part and a node of knowledge.
Expected effects and result
The expected result is to create a norm critical electronic device. Both through the process of developing the device and through the practical use of the device, the look when searching for narcotics will be developed and expanded in order to better conform to the current circumstances. The desired effect in a longer perspective is that young women can be offered support to leave their abuse earlier, because the Police is more efficient in finding them. The innovation is expected to be used in other areas of surveillance and profiling, such as crimes regarding child pornography.
Planned approach and implementation
The device will be developed in close cooperation between drug surveillance groups, Human Resources, gender research, IT, social service, treatment homes and NGOs. Young women´s own experiences and knowledge of drug abuse are of great importance for the project. A reference group with persons from different areas of competence, both researchers and practitioners will be formed. Material for the app and for research will also be collected through participating observations and interviews. The app will be tested by patrolling police officers and adjusted during the project.