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Residues to best use - Biochar as solution and product in the circular and climate positive society

Reference number
Coordinator Lunds kommun - Lunds kommun Kommunkontoret
Funding from Vinnova SEK 15 857 836
Project duration July 2021 - November 2023
Status Completed
Venture Challengedriven innovation - Phase 3 Implementation
Call Challenge-driven innovation - Step 3 Implementation 2021 spring

Important results from the project

In the Rest till Bäst project, we develop solutions for managing society´s organic residues in a way that minimizes environmental impact while creating a useful product, biochar. Biochar is produced using pyrolysis technology, which preserves the nutrient phosphorus while removing many environmentally harmful substances. Additionally, it creates a carbon sink that can be sold as a separate product. We have tested and developed applications and products with biochar. Handbooks and procurement guidelines for biochar have been created, along with system analyses. And much more.

Expected long term effects

Rest till Bäst has yielded many results and effects. Knowledge about the differences between various types of biochar has increased, and their different applications have begun to be described so that the right biochar can be used in the right place. Systems for trading carbon sinks have been established and tested within the project. One goal was to develop a platform for networking and dissemination. This has been established in the form of the "Innovation Cluster for Biochar and Bioenergy through Pyrolysis," which now takes over the baton for the development of the biochar sector.

Approach and implementation

Within the Rest till Bäst project (step 3), 27 partners across the entire value chain of biochar have collaborated to collectively enhance knowledge about the production and use of biochar. The focus has been on optimizing and scaling up pyrolysis technology; verifying the results obtained in previous stages of the project; developing guidance for the production and use of biochar; and creating various forms of products. The collective knowledge is presented on the website,, in the biochar handbooks, and in the project´s comprehensive final report and partial reports

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 19 June 2024

Reference number 2021-01589