Renewable Transportation Fuels for Global Sustainability
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 981 627 |
Project duration | June 2014 - July 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The purpose of the project has been to contribute to beneficial conditions for Swedish industry and Swedish research organisations for performing EU funded R&I projects in the area of renewable transportation fuels. By increasing participation in EU-based technology platforms and by directly contributing to the development of strategies and priorities of future EU R&I, this purpose has been fulfilled. Platform f3 participates e.g. in the Steering Committee of ETIP Bioenergy.
Expected long term effects
Platform f3 has, through its activities, contributed and will contribute to continued EU R&I efforts to develop sustainable renewable fuels that can be produced efficiently and with low GHG emissions, from sustainable resources such as forest and agricultural biomass and waste. The platform also contributes to research priorities being based on potential sustainability as well as total potential for reducing environmental and climate impacts, by various technology and resource pathways.
Approach and implementation
Platform f3 consists of the f3 partners amongst industry, universities and research institutes, but interacts strongly also with other Swedish organisations. Collaboration on the European level has especially focused on the EU technology and innovation platforms, such as ETIP Bioenergy, FTP and BBI. Activities have included: development of a platform strategy; participation in conferences, seminars and meetings; organisation of Brussel seminar; input to consultations and various drafts governing the development of future EU R&I strategies and priorities.