Re-using carbon composites waste and cut-offs in high performance applications, “PRIMEwaste”
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Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - RISE |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 400 000 |
Project duration | November 2023 - September 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme SIP LIGHTer |
Call | LIGHTer small business 2023 |
Important results from the project
The goal was “Develop, demonstrate, and evaluate methods and supply for re-using carbon composite waste and cut-offs in high performance light weight applications”. This has been fulfilled with the development, manufacturing and evaluation of the C-frame chosen as demonstrator. The evaluation of the developed demonstrator included comparisons to a similar C-frame made with conventional carbon fiber composites technology. The evaluation included both performance/cost and CO2 footprint.
Expected long term effects
The developed concept for re-use of cut-off waste when manufacturing long carbon fiber pultruded flat profiles for wind turbine blades, has shown great potential. The reasons are performance/cost of the new laminates made from these profiles and the possibility to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of similar products as the demonstrator. Suggested further work prior to implementation is to optimize bonding concept and retrieve design data on strength and stiffness for different load cases and laminate designs.
Approach and implementation
1. Supply, characterization and qualification of production waste and cut-offs. Environmental evaluation on effects when re-used 2. Development and verification of process/machining/bonding concept. Choice of demonstrator 3. Design and manufacturing of demonstrator 4. Evaluation of cost, performance, and environmental effects The cooperation within the project group has included several workshops and meetings for progress discussions and decisions. Participants also took part of the “Workshop on Sustainability” arranged by LIGHTer.