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Preparatory study Innovation procurement care technology

Reference number
Coordinator Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - Avdelningen för digitalisering
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 383 000
Project duration January 2018 - October 2018
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The purpose of the preliminary study is to enable innovation procurement. At the end of the preliminary studies, one or perhaps a few needs have been prioritized based on concern and opportunity. Collected a number of municipalities that, through a letter of intent, committed to participate in a forthcoming innovation procurement. Chosen which procurement procedure to use. Based on the needs assessment, market analysis, number of participating municipalities and estimated financing. Which best benefits the development and commercialization of relevant innovations.

Expected long term effects

The result of the preliminary study is a consortium consisting of 8 municipalities and SKL, which will conduct an innovation procurement. Focusing on new innovations in welfare technology that will create great value for individuals, municipalities and companies. With the goal of meeting the need for the Sense of coherence (COP) - based on three key areas for an individual to experience health; comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness. COP is part of the Salutogenesis perspective focusing on factors that cause and maintain health more than cause disease.

Approach and implementation

The preliminary study "Innovation Procurement Welfare Technology" has in an iterative process formed a consortium, made a needs analysis, carry through a supplier dialogue and based on that Innovation Partnership was selected as a method for the procurement. The needs analysis was initiated in a workshop, with residents, staff, researchers, and suppliers. The needs were valued by the municipalities who chose 4 for the suppliers´ dialogue. An RFI was made to ensure that the consortium asks for something that is not available on the market and won´t be developed without their demand.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 27 January 2019

Reference number 2017-05397

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