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Preparation project for a test bed in a multifunctional house in Södra Hemlingby

Reference number
Coordinator Future Position X
Funding from Vinnova SEK 446 512
Project duration May 2020 - February 2021
Status Completed
Venture Test beds for society´s challenges
Call Test beds for the challenges of society - preparation project 2020

Important results from the project

Gävle is building a multifunctional building. The project is based on a common strategy for collaboration between different functions and organizational cultures. There is great potential in using the multifunction house for a test bed. The aim of the preparatory project was to investigate how such a test bed can best be designed. This includes which actors should be included and tests the environment can be opened for, how to follow up on effects and which indicators to be used in the follow-up.

Expected long term effects

Gävle´s goals for the project include shared premises, developed and active cross-border cooperation that benefits the target groups, "we-feeling" between the functions, joint meeting places, collaboration between employees, associations, external performers and residents within SH and new solutions for the challenges of the future. The project will be part of the decision-making for Gävle municipality on how a test bed for the development of multifunctional municipal buildings should be designed.

Approach and implementation

The preparation project started in May 2020 and ended in February 2021. The project has included six work packages. Work package 1. Project management and performance dissemination Work package 2. Needs and market analysis Work package 3. Actor Analysis Work Package 4. Collaboration meetings Work package 5. Model for co-use of premises Work package 6. Testbed design The work has been carried out in close collaboration between all project partners.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 2 September 2021

Reference number 2020-00623