Preparation module for Forest Roads
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 51 127 |
Project duration | November 2017 - February 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project has investigated the basic conditions regarding the legal aspects of the selected technology through contact with relevant legal instances. The technical solution has been confirmed through interviews and more in-depth analysis of the concept. Investigations regarding previous tests and attempts at similar technical solutions have been conducted. The collected information has been evaluated to decide on the continuation of the project. Interviews with current customers / users have been conducted to investigate the interest of the technical solution
Expected long term effects
The project sees no legal obstacles regarding the preparation of the base roads. Technically, the concept has evolved during the project, which has further secured the technical solution and made material handling easier and more cost effective. No similar technical solutions for preparation of base roads have been found during the projects investigation phase. Interviews with customers / users show an interest in a preparation module, but it was stated that the amount of material required needs to be investigated.
Approach and implementation
The execution of the project has worked well and the information that was requested has been gathered. A budget and a planning (calendar) for testing of materials should have been added to finalize the decison regarding the continuation of the prototype phase.