Prehospital resource optimization
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Region Västerbotten - Region Västerbotten, Akutsjukvården |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 8 022 315 |
Project duration | May 2018 - May 2021 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-driven innovation - Phase 2 Collaboration |
Call | Challenge-driven innovation - Stage 2 Collaboration 2018 (spring) |
Important results from the project
Our vision is that it should be possible to make fact-based decisions in ambulance care so that resources can be used sustainably, efficiently, and fairly. In step 2 we developed a prototype, identified which information is requested and how it should be presented. In step 3 we intend to implement the results and create a commercial decision-making tool for primarily ambulance care and develop business models.
Expected long term effects
The results of the project have been disseminated to ambulance management through information via The Swedish Regions and Municipalities, via Nysam, via the Association of Management Managers in The Swedish Ambulance Service and in direct contact with regions and police region Nord. Throughout, interest in the tool has been great and several stakeholders have shown interest in contributing data to the tool and in the future using the tool. Finland has also shown interest and the goal is for blue light organizations both nationally and internationally to be reached by the tool.
Approach and implementation
The project has focused around three work packages 1) To develop specifications to ensure that the prototype of the tool is developed according to users´ needs and becomes user-friendly. 2) To develop a technical prototype of the tool, which makes it possible to study the consequences of operational changes. 3) To develop a model for future commercialization and management of the tool.