Pre study - Verification of active safety systems using chassis dynamometer
Reference number | |
Coordinator | ASTAZERO AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 353 000 |
Project duration | October 2019 - December 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Traffic safety and automated vehicles -FFI |
Call | Vehicle and traffic safety - FFI - 2019-06-11 |
End-of-project report | 2019-03087sv.pdf(pdf, 916 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
The purpose of this pre-study has been to develop knowledge and insight for how VIL in chassisdynamometer is used, can be used and designed to support efficient verification and validation of ADAS and ADS. Further, the goal has been to convert knowledge to practical application in form of a requirement specification for a generic VIL setup, given a known test case. Finally the pre study had in purpose to prepare for further projects with focus on VIL testing using chassisdynamometer.
Expected long term effects
The pre-study has developed knowledge in VIL testning and related topics such as enabling technologies, e g simulation and sensor stimulation. Analysis of methods and tools has shaped a framework for flexible design and use of "in-the-loop" test platforms, this framework can be used when developing specific test applications. A requirement specification has been concluded for four different test cases that can be used in future projects. Finally, several areas are suggested for future research.
Approach and implementation
The pre-study has based analysis on a broad literature study, gathering information in test methodology and tool solutions for VIL applications. The reference material was used during analysis of possible test methods and configuration of a VIL-platfom. Further requirements derived from known test cases and applied to the test platform to meet desired performance and functionality. Finally, the analysis and knwledge were converted to project proposals presented to the industry.