Polarization sensitive Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors
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Coordinator | IRnova AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 028 170 |
Project duration | October 2017 - July 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim of this project was to develop a polarisation sensitive infrared (IR) detector and to evaluate the polarisation sensitivity of this detector using a demonstration camera. This has successfully been achieved with good imaging properties and excellent polarisation contrast. With the results from this project, new collaboration possibilities have emerged within the Swedish IR community as well as internationally. The demonstration camera has been a great tool in this work to evaluate and advertise this technology.
Expected long term effects
The IR detector developed has shown state-of-the-art polarisation contrast and works well for many applications, such as face recognition, detection of hidden objects and oil spill detection. The detectors are now part of IRnova´s product portfolio and discussions are ongoing with potential customers. One camera manufacturer (Noxant) has already integrated this detector in their infrared cameras. The collaboration between IRnova and FOI has been very fruitful and the intent is to continue this collaboration and to include other partners from the Swedish IR industry.
Approach and implementation
The partners in this project have complementary expertise in detector development and evaluation of polarimetric cameras. In the first phase of the project, IRnova designed and fabricated polarisation sensitive detector matrices and integrated these in a demonstration camera. In the second phase, FOI evaluated the polarisation sensitivity and usability of these IR cameras for different applications. The project has followed the time line well and adequate amount of time has been dedicated to the different tasks. It has been a very educational and rewarding project.