Platform security for critical infrastructures
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Coordinator | SICS SWEDISH ICT AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | May 2013 - January 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The target was to provide society and industry with resource efficient, secure and open platform solutions, based on virtualization technologies, to be used in security and safety critical infrastructures. The continuation of the project focusses on a secure, practically usable, virtualized COTS platform based on ARM with verifiable security claims that can be Common Criteria (CC) certified to high assurance levels. The secure platform shall form a basis for development of resource efficient and effective security functionality in critical infrastructures and products.
Expected long term effects
A secure and resource efficient virtualized platform with associated management function and design patterns creates conditions for fast and effective product development of embedded systems for which high and verifiable security is required. This leads to increased security in critical applications for which security requirements already are established but also to an opportunity to increase the security level in general and for new applications.
Approach and implementation
The project work has been performed as a traditional pre-study with an inventory of partner needs, requirements capture, market analysis, new application areas and a State-of-the-Art analysis This work has been the basis for a product offering proposal. The project group has been stable during the work but has connected with new interested parties in a following cooperation project. Contacts with requirements owners and needs owners from authorities (MSB, PTS, MUST) have also been established.