Planning NITREM
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 265 544 |
Project duration | February 2017 - April 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme for Swedish mining and metal producing industry - SIP Swedish Mining Innovation |
Important results from the project
The aim with the planning project was to gather relevant data for the completion of an application to EIT Raw Materials’ call “KAVA upscaling projects”. The aim has been fulfilled as an application was been submitted to EIT Raw Materials at the end of March. The goal was to obtain funding for an up-scaling project in Malmberget. The decision on funding will be revealed during the summer 2017 and we are hoping for a positive decision, leading to achieving the primary goal of the planning project.
Expected long term effects
The planning project has led to a complete application to EIT Raw Materials within the call “KAVA upscaling projects.” If awarded funding, the upscaling project will pave the way for the commercialization of a service for the passive removal of nitrogen from mine leachate with a bioreactor technology. The technology has advantages over active treatment methods since the method has a very low requirement for energy and maintenance.
Approach and implementation
The project consisted of writing an application to EIT Raw Materials. The project leader had the primary responsibility for writing the application with input from LKAB and Cedervall arkitekter, and Ducit Innovation AB, LTU Business and WSP Sverige AB hade important roles in terms of producing a preliminary plan for commercialization and market introduction. Budget and financing aspects required more effort than expected and should have been started earlier during the project.