PLA-biobased plastic from secondary raw materials
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 5 999 411 |
Project duration | October 2023 - October 2026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Circular and biobased economy |
Call | Increased resource efficiency, industry funding to a circular economy |
Purpose and goal
The project aims at developing a techno-economical viable production route of PLA from second generation raw materials. The project will include i) production of lactic acid (LA) ii) purification of fermentation broth and concentration of LA, iii) polymerisation of LA to PLA utilising microwave technique in combination with reactive extrusion, iv) modification of PLA to improve performance and recyclability, v) systemic sustainability assessment to compare PLA from secondary raw materials with conventional PLA. And business models for complete and circular value chains.
Expected effects and result
The results are expected to increase the availability of PLA and thus reduce dependence on fossil-based plastics. With increased volumes of PLA, based on various secondary raw materials, the project will contribute to improved opportunities for resource-efficient, resilient and circular business models. Application of new techno-economically validated technology and use of secondary raw materials are assumed to contribute to flexible, energy-efficient production units that contribute to more jobs locally as well as exports of both materials, knowledge and technology.
Planned approach and implementation
The project work is divided into different work packages, where results and deliveries from the different parts contribute to each other and the progress of the project. In order to build knowledge about microwave technology and reactive extrusion, initial work will be done on purchased raw material while work on producing raw material from secondary streams is ongoing. In order for PLA from secondary streams to become relevant, it is vital to evaluate the techno-economic aspects as well as the consequences regarding climate impact when using these streams instead of primary as today.