Pilotproject national roll-out of BIO-X
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 947 000 |
Project duration | October 2013 - October 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim has been to investigate whether A) the model for innovation- and business development support, BIO-X, can be succesfully transferred to other regions and organizations in Sweden, and B) implement a governance- and financing model to achieve this. The conclusion is that a national rollout of BIO-X is well motvated and is working. Routines for implementation of BIO-X have been developed such that a) VINNOVAs regulations are followed, b) the process management by the regional organization is maintained without c) the need for the BIO-X model to be altered above formal parts.
Expected long term effects
The most obvious evidence showing the common achievements, regional funding of project managers, established is the national BIO-X call (nationwide in Sweden). Also a number of projects from two previous BIO-X campaigns have been transferred into the new model for governance and financing from VINNOVA within the frames of this pilot project. Thus, the complete BIO-X process, including projects within the execution phase have been incorporated into the new governance- and financing model. The results lay the gorund for the transfer into a formal national BIO-X program. campaigns.
Approach and implementation
The project plan has been delivered on or above target. As part of three separate BIO-X calls, cost effective routines for implementation of BIO-X have during 2013-2014 been established within all parts of the BIO-X process. Critical succes factors leading to such positive result of the nationwide transfer of BIO-X have been a) continous internal analysis and improvement; b) a good dialog with VINNOVA; c) external analysis. In addition d) a very strong support from the networks within the region western Sweden and e) A good nationwide collaboration.