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Pilotproject national roll-out of BIO-X

Reference number
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 947 000
Project duration October 2013 - October 2014
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The aim has been to investigate whether A) the model for innovation- and business development support, BIO-X, can be succesfully transferred to other regions and organizations in Sweden, and B) implement a governance- and financing model to achieve this. The conclusion is that a national rollout of BIO-X is well motvated and is working. Routines for implementation of BIO-X have been developed such that a) VINNOVAs regulations are followed, b) the process management by the regional organization is maintained without c) the need for the BIO-X model to be altered above formal parts.

Expected long term effects

The most obvious evidence showing the common achievements, regional funding of project managers, established is the national BIO-X call (nationwide in Sweden). Also a number of projects from two previous BIO-X campaigns have been transferred into the new model for governance and financing from VINNOVA within the frames of this pilot project. Thus, the complete BIO-X process, including projects within the execution phase have been incorporated into the new governance- and financing model. The results lay the gorund for the transfer into a formal national BIO-X program. campaigns.

Approach and implementation

The project plan has been delivered on or above target. As part of three separate BIO-X calls, cost effective routines for implementation of BIO-X have during 2013-2014 been established within all parts of the BIO-X process. Critical succes factors leading to such positive result of the nationwide transfer of BIO-X have been a) continous internal analysis and improvement; b) a good dialog with VINNOVA; c) external analysis. In addition d) a very strong support from the networks within the region western Sweden and e) A good nationwide collaboration.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2013-03108