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Piloting a program for increased utilisation of research results in Deep Tech

Reference number
Coordinator Luleå tekniska universitet
Funding from Vinnova SEK 8 399 234
Project duration December 2023 - June 2025
Status Ongoing
Venture 2019-02930-en

Purpose and goal

The purpose of the project is to develop a national programme for the utilization of results from research within Deep Tech that fits in the Swedish context. This programme is a response to identified needs. The goal is to carry out a pilot study that contributes to the development of this national programme for the utilization of research results within Deep Tech-området, as well as to describe and understand the requirements for a successful implementation of the national program in the Swedish context.

Expected effects and result

Expected effects are, among other things, that researchers within Deep Tech at Swedish universities have developed entrepreneurial skills, increased utilization of results from research within Deep Tech, further developed existing innovation support systems within Swedish universities through a new methodology and increased utilization of results that contribute to the green transition in society and to achieving the sustainability goals. Expected results are a national programme ready for a large-scale test and a plan for implementing the program to make it viable.

Planned approach and implementation

The work is divided into work packages (AP). In AP1 administration, coordination and communication within the project, but also dissemination to surrounding society, stakeholders and other actors is done. AP2, AP3, and AP4 bring together the work with development, testing and evaluation of the methodology/program for utilization within Deep Tech. The universities that are part of the pilot project have one or more people who are responsible for developing and/or leading the activities, as well as ensuring that the competence and ability required by the undertaking is provided.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 5 December 2023

Reference number 2023-01960