Person-centred Reference Ward
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Göteborgs Universitet - Centrum för personcentrerad vård vid Göteborgs universitet |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 3 000 000 |
Project duration | November 2012 - December 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project has been to establish a ward at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital implementing person-centred care (PCC) in practice based on the research at GPCC, including the necessary organizational structures, processes, education, and practical methods for sustainable person-centred care with enhanced efficiency and maintained or improved care quality. At the established wards the person is central, and a partnership is established between caregiver and patient wherein the patient can be more active, well-informed, and responsible than in conventional care.
Expected long term effects
The primary goal of the project has been achieved and expanded, to already encompass two wards at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The implementation process is well anchored and continues to develop. A patient diary has been developed in collaboration with Doberman, supporting documentation of the patient journey. The framework for a person-centered IT care platform has been investigated by IBM, but a plan of action in relation to this has not been realized due to delays in the collaboration with VGR IT. This work will continue after the conclusion of the project.
Approach and implementation
Due to the strong initial anchoring in the clinical context at SU, the primary change processes were possible to initiate quickly. The transition of the project format from Utmaningsdriven innovation to a test bed impacted the structure of the project, however, and necessitated a six month extension of the project. The need for IT solutions to support the implementation were identified early on, but were not possible to concretely realize. Several important collaborations have been initiated for new projects (PCP, WE-CARE (FP7), and collaboration between Doberman, GPCC and IBM.