Onshore Power Supply
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 550 000 |
Project duration | December 2009 - December 2011 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim with the project is to evaluate technical solutions to increase the energy efficiency; in order to reduce the emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, and increase the knowledge and interest of shore connection for vessels in ports. The aim will be achieved by exchange of experience and knowledge between ports using shore connection. The information will also be spread to other ports and shipping lines with interest in shore connection. The objectives is divided in three different areas - demonstrate a concept solution for a shore connection between port and vessel with different frequency. - demonstrate a cost-benefit analysis for an extension of shore connection in port of Göteborg - establish an international platform to share shore connection experiences between ports. These objectives are important parts in the implementation of sustainable overseas transports.
Expected long term effects
While in port a ships use the auxiliary engines to generate electricity, in some cases even the much larger main engine is used for the purpose. The pollution emitted while in port is, due to the proximity of densely populated areas, of extra importance. When moving the generation of electricity away from the ships diesel engines to effective power plants with advanced exhaust treatment or, even better, to renewable energy resources such as hydro or wind power, the emissions are significantly reduced. When renewable energy resources are used to replace the onboard diesel engine the electricity generation is shifted from fossil fuels and green house gases are fully eliminated. Additional environmental benefits are gained since other emissions as sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter are also eliminated. The eliminated emissions will, together with the silent engines, contribute to an improved climate; for personnel and for nearby communities. Research on shore connection, conducted by MariTerm AB by order of North Sea Commission, show external costs in terms of environmental and health deterioration caused of generation of electricity onboard ships is between 15 and 75 times higher compared to electricity generation in power plants. The lower costs are partly because the efficiency in a power plant is three times higher compared to the ships auxiliary engines. The project is expected to gain the technology development and to gain knowledge within the field of shore connection. Another expected result is to spread the knowledge to other parties interested in shore connection in order to expand the use of shore connection and get positive effects for the environment.
Approach and implementation
The project has deliverables within two major areas: technology development and exchange of knowledge and experience. Port of Göteborg will be used as basis for technology development and the technical solutions will be based on the requirements of port of Göteborg. Via a partnership between ABB and port of Göteborg there is a great potential to develop technological solutions and spread the gained knowledge via the port of Göteborgs established network. The exchange of knowledge and collection of information will be achieved by visits to ports using shore connection and to ports with opportunities to implement shore connection. The visits will also be used in order to spread the knowledge, information and experience. Gained information and knowledge will be spread using a dedicated webpage. The project is done as a pilot study conducted over 18 months starting January 1st 2010. The pilot study aims to collect information to expand the project to include more ports and shipping lines and construct a shore connection in port of Göteborg in order to verify the performed analysis. Moreover, a continuation of the project will further improve the international platform to exchange experiences and best practice.