Older Women and Men in Public Transport: Active Actors in Creating their own Mobility
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Coordinator | Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 350 000 |
Project duration | April 2007 - March 2012 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim is to study older women´s and men´s experiences, perspectives and ideas about public transport as a resource for creation of their every day mobility. The overall question is what power and influence older persons have over their mobility, during various stages of the life course, and at various places. The project goal follows three points: 1. Mobility among the increasing population of older people 2. Gender equality in public transport 3. Investigate differences between accessibility and inquiry of public transport in urban and sparsely populated areas.
Expected long term effects
The project deepens knowledge about similarities and differences between individuals and subgroups among the older population. The project has a narrative approach, including analyses of both older women and older men and with the focus on their own perspectives, an approach that has not yet been given much attention in research on public transport. Thus the project will contribute with knowledge important for planners of public transport. The outcomes can result in a public transport system better adopted for the older population.
Approach and implementation
Comparative approach: - Older women and men from different age categories (e.g. young old, old old) - Older women and men in country side and urban areas - Different regions. Methods: - Two case studies based on field work within two Swedish regions (i.e. Östergötland and Jönköping). - Interviews with key informants: persons responsible for planning and practitioners of public transport. - Focus groups with older women and men. - Field notes and complementary interviews. - Content analyses and narrative analyses of talk in focus groups and interviews.