Offentliga rummet and the Swedish e-government award
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - Avdelningen för digitalisering |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 470 000 |
Project duration | December 2017 - October 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The conference Offentliga rummet aims at being a meeting point where the participants can coopoerate to create the conditions for promoting public digitalization in Sweden. The conference was held in Göteborg 23-25 May 2018. The number of participants was over 1000 participants from all levels of government as well as academia and industry and is the foremost conference in public digitalisation. The Swedish eGovernment Award was awarded at the conference and the prize went to Anmäl Hinder from Göteborgs stad.
Expected long term effects
The project has areas of development defined for Offentliga Rummet and Guldlänken. These development areas will produce effects that will strengthen this business as a hub, a common channel for information for all relevant actors in the area in question in Sweden and as a source of inspiration, know ledge and networking, which in turn results in a stronger, more innovative development of the public sector in the country.
Approach and implementation
The conference was planned, organized and carried through with the help of a central and regional central project manager together with different working groups whose main interest was the program. As planned the conference was held in 2018 in Göteborg May 23 to 25. Day 1 was a day where various public networks conduct their own seminars. The conference itself is The conference included 49 seminars, 4 plenary sessions and exhibition. Guldlänken was awarded May 25. Participants was over 1000 persons, well above expected number.