ODEMEA - Optimal Design of Energy Efficient Actuation Systems for MEA
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Coordinator | Saab AB - SAAB Aktiebolag Aeronautics |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 553 101 |
Project duration | October 2019 - December 2022 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | National Aeronautical Research Program 7 |
Call | Research project in aviation technology - spring 2019 |
Important results from the project
The actuation system is responsible for maneuvering of the aircraft. The technology choice has a large impact on the entire platform. It is therefore important to evaluate technologies in an early stage. The project has developed methods and performed a case study to compare a hydraulic and electric actuation system. Several articles were published at international conferences and master theses were conducted. The project has studied each technology’s advantages and challenges and identified the need for more research.
Expected long term effects
The project results and the gained knowledge are a clear support to Saab’s studies on the future combat aircraft system. Hydraulic and electric actuators have very different characteristics suitable for different applications. The technical results from the case study clearly indicates these differences. The project also contributed to the development of a unique test rig. This contributes to LiU’s ability to become a strong actor in this research area. Saab’s ability to analysis of the actuation system in the early concept phase has increased.
Approach and implementation
The project combined theoretical and experimental activities. Collaboration with other projects enables the creation of a larger research group. This has resulted in positive effects through an exchange of knowledge and collaboration around similar research questions. An interaction with industry and knowledge dissemination took place through regular meetings and seminars, as well as participation at international conferences. A senior researcher with dual positions further strengthened the industry-academic collaboration.