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Reference number
Coordinator Piteå kommun - Personalavdelningen
Funding from Vinnova SEK 300 000
Project duration October 2015 - June 2016
Status Completed
Venture 2014-06304-en

Important results from the project

The objective of the study is to identify the possibilities for making structural changes in the Organization of Piteå municipality based on a standard critical perspective. The conclusion is that it is possible to change the rules of the Organization but that it requires a systematic and long-term work out at work, driven by the nearest manager. Also requires that the manager or someone who can support the manager has a deeper knowledge of standards and standard criticism.

Expected long term effects

The study was posted in three steps, where step one and three fully implemented, but that step three fallen off due to external analysis provided knowledge that it is not possible to work with standards by simply identifying them, they have worked with in a long process and with an experienced process manager. You can´t take a short cut in efforts to make a survey of standards and then change the workplace. There is a need to have a process where employee and Manager work together with the standards that restrict their particular workplace.

Approach and implementation

The preliminary study has been set up in three parts: 1.External analysis-bring out facts about the standard criticism, how organizations are working with it, how standards are created, method for mapping, transfer of experience, professional development. 2.Mapping phase come up with questions to get views on restrictive norms and prejudices. The questions would be tested by the municipality to see if it is possible to work like that. 3.Implementation plan a self explanatory method packages are being developed that managers can use without special prior knowledge about standards

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2015-03736