National Agenda for Innovation Management in Sweden
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Coordinator | STIFTELSEN IMIT - IMIT Göteborg |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | August 2012 - April 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project has together with PIEp´s agenda for innovative and efficient product development generated the agenda ´Leading innovation´, which is meant to guide and induce the strategic development of research and practice within innovation management. Besides suggestions for focus and forms for boundary-spanning research efforts within the area, the agenda also deals with how innovation management should be supported through a national education program and the establishment of an institute for innovation management.
Expected long term effects
The developed agenda ´Leading innovation´ is expected to strengthen the innovation capabilities of companies and public organizations in Sweden by providing guidelines and direction for the focus and forms of research- and development initiatives in the field of innovation management. In particular, the agenda gives clear indications about critical research areas, suitable education programs at a national level, and the need for an institute that in a fruitful way can integrate industry and academia.
Approach and implementation
The project has been executed in three phases, with a focus on identifying critical areas, data collection and analysis, and report writing and diffusion of results, respectively. In close collaboration with PIEp, a project group composed by people from academia, industry, and interest organizations has led the work with identifying key questions, through a series of workshops with different actors, through interviews with experienced innovation managers and other key individuals for innovation in industry, and through contacts with international experts.