MOOC:s as a tool for meeting regional needs for competence and integration
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Ronneby kommun - KUNSKAPSKÄLLAN |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 172 000 |
Project duration | October 2016 - June 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project was to explore if it would be possible to develop a model for working with MOOC:s as a means for meeting regional needs for competence and integration. A collaboration between our study lab, the employment service, the refugee reception unit, including the Swedish for immigrants unit, and academic institutions has shown that there is a mutual interest in such a model. We have also outlined the design of the model. The design has been well anchored with the target groups i.e. unemployed and newly arrived immigrants.
Expected long term effects
A brief outline of the model: Kunskapskällan, the study lab, will once each semester, in cooperation with the employment service, choose a number of MOOC:s that correspond to actual competence needs. The courses will be open to anyone but specific information will be given to unemployed and newly arrived immigrants. The participants follow the course at the study lab and have access to our rooms, technology, counselling etc, and will in the end be able to take a test at a university to have their new skills officially certified.
Approach and implementation
The employement service, the refugee reception unit and Swedish for immigrants, as well as academic institutions have been participants in this project, but main focus has been on working with the target groups. There have been information meetings, focus group interviews, outreach activities and a targeted webb survey, available in both Swedish and English, with in total 82 responses. The results show that there is a significant interest in MOOC:s among the target groups and that they see the support provided by the study lab as important resources for successful studies.