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Matters for Tomorrow´s Agriculture

Reference number
Coordinator Innovatum AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 574 307
Project duration May 2018 - August 2019
Status Completed

Important results from the project

In this project we have conducted an innovation competition. It focused on ground cover plastics for outdoor cultivation. The purpose of the competition is to generate innovative ideas, which both meet the functional needs of agriculture and also reduce the use of fossil plastics. The winning entry from the competition, ViridiFibra, has already launched its cellulose-based ground cover on the market.

Expected long term effects

The most important result has been to create innovation in agriculture, with the aim of reducing the use of fossil plastics in crops. In this we have been successful, as the winning contribution has already launched its product on the market. The project has also established good cooperation between test beds for development purposes.

Approach and implementation

The project was carried out in the following steps: 1. The competition was formally started at Borgeby Field Days 2018. 2. A competition platform, established through cooperation in the project team, is established where the structure of the competition is presented. 3. The entries are reviewed by the jury and the contributions are prioritized. Follow-up questions are asked to the contestants 4. A second assessment of the grants is carried out where these can be ranked and graded. 5. The winner is appointed by the jury, then presented as an end to the project during Borgeby Field Days 2019.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 8 January 2019

Reference number 2018-00842