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Lignin as a mesopore forming agent for hierarachical zeolites - ZeoLignin

Reference number
Coordinator RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 3 000 000
Project duration November 2021 - June 2024
Status Completed
Venture 2021-02014-en
Call International collaboration for innovations with actors in Brazil in collaboration with EMBRAPII

Important results from the project

Synthesize the ZSM-5 using lignin as a template to form mesopores. Show the potential of lignin as a mesopore-forming agent for zeolites. Increase the selectivity of the liquid hydrocarbons obtained on recycling of plastic waste through catalytic pyrolysis with hierarchical zeolites. Exploit the potential of lignin-based Zeolites for the development of a low-cost catalyst solution for pyrolysis of waste plastics Exploit the potential of lignin-based Zeolites for the development of a low-cost catalyst solution for the production of biofuels.

Expected long term effects

We expect the project to lead to highly selective ZSM-5 zeolites produced using lignin as a low-cost mesoporous-forming agent for plastic pyrolysis and biofuels production. It was shown that different lignins and process conditions used for synthesis of the lignin based zeolite can affect the composition of the pyrolyzed oil. The yields of the pyrolysis oil were low, but the conversion happens at lower temperature and short time. There are much room for improvements in continuation project.

Approach and implementation

The project was divided in work packages WP1 Managment WP2 Production and characterization of different qualities of lignin. This was an interactive process. The properties of the synthetized ZSM5 directed the lignin typee to be produced. WP3- Production and characterization of Zeolites. Screened different lignins to select the best candidates for production of effective ZSM5 for biofuels production and use in ex-situ and in-situ pyrolysis WP4- Testing of produced ZSM5 in pyrolysis of plastics, analytical, lab and large scale WP5- Technical and economic feasibility assessment

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 3 July 2024

Reference number 2021-04586