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Reference number
Coordinator Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - Avdelningen för tillväxt och samhällsbyggnad/Reglab
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 370 000
Project duration December 2017 - January 2020
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The aim of the project has been to strengthen the communication about the public sector as a natural and attractive environment for innovation, idea development and creativity. The goal was, for designated target groups, to gain increased knowledge and a positive image of the public sector as an innovative environment. In 2018/2019, the project focused on the goal of developing and implementing the Innovation Week 2019. The Innovation Week became a concrete communicative effort in line with the project´s overall purpose and the orientation of the communication strategy developed.

Expected long term effects

The initial part of the project resulted in a communication strategy and specific activities and initiatives for the target group of senior officials and politicians. Furthermore, innovation is now clearly integrated into SKR´s ongoing communication work. The Innovation Week was completed in the fall 2019 with a total of 120 activities throughout the country with a broad commitment from municipalities, regions and state agencies. The initiative was greatly appreciated by the organizers and an overwhelming majority stated that they are happy to participate in recurring events.

Approach and implementation

Initially, a feasibility study was conducted with the aim of identifying different target groups´ needs for knowledge and information. With this knowledge, a communication strategy was developed and anchored. Implementation of the strategy has entailed both simple parts such as clarifying definitions but also strategic work to integrate messages to specific target groups in channels managed by other departments and projects within SKR. The Innovation Week initiative strengthened this work while at the same time entailing a clear concrete activity towards SKR´s members.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 2 March 2020

Reference number 2017-05352