itACiH - Support for multiple care givers
Reference number | |
Coordinator | ITACIH AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 200 000 |
Project duration | April 2017 - September 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Medtech4Health: Competence Enhancement in SME |
Call | Medtech4Health - Kompetensförstärkning i småföretag 2017 |
Important results from the project
Home care does often involve personell from several different caregivers. These activities need to be coordinated and an it-system for this situation will greatly ease this work. The goal of this project was to explore the Swedish legislation for sharing information between caregivers in this situation, and to produce and verify a design for such a system.
Expected long term effects
The result is a design in line with the current Swedish legislation for an it-system for supporting several caregivers working with common patients. This result makes it now possible to develop a system for this purpose based on the existing it-system provided by itACiH AB.
Approach and implementation
The project has been performed iteratively, starting with an initial study of the existing legislation and other rules. The design itself have been developed in steps with evaluation and modifications as needed in an agile mode of working. The work has involved quality assurance, sw architect, developers from itACiH AB and lawyers from Vinge who have meet for discussions on several occasions.