Isolation of oleosin from rapseed pressrests; a novel ingredient hindering lipid oxidation and stabilize emulsions
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Coordinator | Lunds universitet - Institutionen för livsmedelsteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 350 000 |
Project duration | August 2015 - February 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme Bioinnovation |
Call | BioInnovation 2015 |
Important results from the project
Developing technologies to extract and isolate oleosin from rapeseed oil production waste while maintaining functionality.
Expected long term effects
Our studies have shown that the oleosin isolated from rapeseed press cake can be used as emulsifiers, with the advantage that it inhibits the oxidation of sensitive fatty acids better than other emulsifiers. Oxidation of fatty acids is a problem in the food industry, thus an ingredient with both an emulsifying function and antioxidant effect is desirable. Many existing emulsifiers on the market have the disadvantage of causing allergy or are of animal origin. However, oleosin extracted from rapeseed press cake is a renewable resource that enables sustainable production and economy.
Approach and implementation
Oleosin was successfully isolated from rapeseed cake at pH 12 gave the highest total yield. The isolated proteins retained surface activity through the process and were able to stabilize emulsions. Oxidation tests showed that oleosin inhibits oxidation significantly better than all the investigated emulsifiers for sensitive flaxseed oil. For the more robust corn oil was oleosin a more effective oxidation inhibitors compared with soy lecithin and Tween 20, whereas no difference was seen compared to BSA.