iQDrive - towards automous vehicles
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Scania CV Aktiebolag - Avd REP |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 18 669 787 |
Project duration | July 2010 - December 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Traffic safety and automated vehicles -FFI |
End-of-project report | 2010-01161sv.pdf(pdf, 582 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project was to investigate and researchmethods and technologies to address the four most common types of accidents for heavy vehicles; lane departure from file, rollover, side impacts and queue driving with associated safety-related HMI problems and VRU-related research, where the latter can be seen to constitute a significant proportion of accidents involving heavy vehicles are involved in the EU. Compliance was 100%. In addition, executing a number of impressive demo drives attended by international press and also available on YouTube.
Expected long term effects
The massive demonstration runs, funded by Scania itself, showed a specific and for the society beneficial use of the theoretical research results. Effects in the form of an change in the mindset of the Scania organization and enhanced cooperation with the universities impresses on the management
Approach and implementation
The project was executed in line with the project plan. The results, however, was dramatically better than expected, largely due to an excellent cross-functional collaboration within and outside the Scania organization and a unique team cohesion due to the clear focus on rewsults from the research deliverables.