Ion beam characterization and modification of energy saving electronics
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Coordinator | Kungliga tekniska högskolan - Institutionen för mikroelektronik och tillämpad fysik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 400 000 |
Project duration | December 2007 - December 2012 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Today, a more efficient energy use is crucial. New wide-bandgap semiconductor materials, such as silicon carbide and diamond, have started to replace silicon in electronics for energy saving reasons. However, many process steps needs to be improved and better understood before the full potential of wide-bandgap semiconductor materials can be utilized in device production. In this project the focus is on ion beam characterization and modification of the wide-bandgap semiconductors silicon carbide and diamond. The new Medium Energy Ion Scattering/ MEIS instrument, to be installed during 2008, at Tandemlab. in Uppsala will be utilized to get information about contaminations on a depth scale of one atomic layer. In addition, the ion beam facilities at Tandem lab will be used for modification and radiation hardness test.
Expected long term effects
Expected outcome from the project: - Provide necessary qualifications for ion beam analysis, using MEIS, on device structures. - Qualification of more females at higher position. - Transfer knowledge to Swedish companies and institutes. - Strengthen the cooperation between Uppsala University and KTH within the ITC (Ion Technology Centre) concept.
Approach and implementation
The main activities as a function of time are: knowledge pick up, technical optimization, basic applicable research, and finally implementation and transfer to industry.