Integration and start-up of the section RISE-Tox
Reference number | |
Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - RISE Bioscience and Materials, Stockholm |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 000 000 |
Project duration | August 2018 - February 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | 2017-01599-en |
Important results from the project
The purpose of the project was to plan and implement the integration work of the new section Chemical and pharmaceutical safety within the unit Surface, Process and Formulation. Operations and the infrastructure transferred from KI to RISE include toxicological safety evaluation In vitro, In vivo, In silico and bioassay. This includes instruments, experimental procedures, GLP accreditation, personnel and infrastructure, as well as a number of research projects and collaborations. The goal was that the new section would be fully operational from 1 January.
Expected long term effects
The start-up of the new section has been smooth, thanks to a solid planning and a good implementation of the integration work within this project. The long-term effects are described in the business plan that was reported within the framework of the Vinnova project 2018-00541.
Approach and implementation
The project included all integration needed to start a new section, incl. integration into the RISE systems (personnel, finance, IT, premises and other infrastructure), communication and business development. The project was divided into sub-projects with sub-project managers, as well as an overall project manager. The project had an internal reference group and a steering group with representatives from KI and RISE´s management. Frequent follow-ups, in several different constellations, as well as good focus and cooperation between KI and RISE made the project reach its goals.