Innovative Virtual Reality simulator for VATS-lobectomy
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Coordinator | Surgical Science Sweden AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 500 000 |
Project duration | November 2013 - May 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The purpose and goal of the project was to develop an innovative simulation of VATS - Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery. Within the timeframe of the project such a simulator has been developed. The simulation is built on a new technology platform developed by Surgical Science within the scope of the project. The simulator has been demonstrated to a large group of thoracic surgeons to much acclaim.
Expected long term effects
The goal of the simulator is to provide a safe and meaningful training environment for VATS. In general there are benefits to a minimally invasive approach to the procedure and as such it requires training within the specific techniques used in the minimally invasive approach. The simulator contains all the major steps of the procedure and validation has already begun of its clinical relevance.
Approach and implementation
The project was divided into five different phases: 1) Risk management and proof of concept 2) Modelling and optimisation of processes 3) Technical development 4) Integration and product development 5) Testing, evaluation and market approval By adhering to the project plan time line and validating each phases goal against a predetermined goal. Surgical Science has been able to produce both innovative core technology but also a new simulation of an important procedure.