Innovative materials for future business
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Industrial Development Center West Sweden AB - IDC West Sweden |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 250 000 |
Project duration | December 2013 - March 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
New combinations of materials is a prerequisite for new concepts for the future and thereby have material-based competitiveness in companies able to increase the presence of the materials library MaterialConnextion Skövde. Establishment of the materials library will support both national and local industry.
Expected long term effects
We have created strategic interacted with Inredia around materialuteckling between the supplier industry, furniture designers and architects - Initial testing method for cross-industry materials development directly on the machine floor in the supplier industry. - Developed a materialutvecklingsskoncept ´Materials Challenge LAB´ for strategic product development in Swedish supplier industry
Approach and implementation
We have conducted a series of workshops on the concept and product development. The goal is, in chronological order: Consensus, problem analysis, opportunity development, assessment of proposed solutions, action-plan. - Consensus is central to each workshop and are based on management and decision makers in marketing, design, product development, production should have a consensus before they take on development projects. - Reduce friction and improve collaboration between, say, design and engineering, design and production.