Innovative antimicrobial solutions promote competitive, safe and shelf-stable consumer products.
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Coordinator | SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB - SP Food and Bioscience, Göteborg |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | December 2014 - August 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The main objective was to develop innovative antimicrobial solutions for consumer products. This idea requires a cross-border collaboration consisting of partners with high expertise in specific technology areas. The initiative was coordinated by SP Food and Bioscience. In collaboration with partners from technical institutes (SP Kemi och material and Innventia AB), academia (KTH), development partners (Swedish Aerogel AB), ecolabelling organizations (KRAV and Miljömärkning Sverige AB) and manufacturers (SCA AB, Orkla Foods AB) the foundations of a consortium was built up.
Expected long term effects
Main requirements and problems concerning the development of the next generation preservatives and innovative antimicrobial solutions have been identified. Suitable work packages for a collaborative application was designed based on identified challenges and potential technical solutions. Potential antimicrobial solutions, evaluated in preliminary tests, were presented and discussed by the consortium expertise. A model for effective collaboration and exchange of knowledge regarding innovative antimicrobial solutions were also developed.
Approach and implementation
SP Food and Bioscience coordinated the project and worked out a multidisciplinary consortium with participants from the Swedish technical institutes, academia, standards authority and manufacturers of consumer products. Workshops were conducted in Stockholm and Gothenburg to identify the needs, requirements and ideas, as well as to develop a project plan for a collaborative application. Talks have also been held with several national and international partners outside the project