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Reference number
Coordinator Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - Avdelningen för tillväxt och samhällsbyggnad/Reglab
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 970 000
Project duration December 2017 - October 2019
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The aim of the project was to increase the knowledge of the public sector´s innovation capacity. This has been done by adding new data as a basis for the development of the public sector. Through that process, establish and carry out the investigation Innovation Barometer, the project has established an approach and methodology which provided unique data on innovation work in the public sector in Sweden.

Expected long term effects

The project has let to the following results: - There are quality-tested questionnaires that can be reused. - Experiences and recommendations of the study have been documented. - Results and analysis of the survey have been communicated to a broad group of representatives of municipalities, regions, authorities and ministries. - The project´s results have been documented and published in a report. - The results have been made available through the Innovationstestet, an online self-assessment service. - Statistics Sweden intends to conduct a follow-up survey in 2020.

Approach and implementation

In the fall of 2017, the project was established, the recruitment of project managers was completed.Thereafter questionnaires were tested on target groups. Selection of target group and register extracts were carried out. The prerequisites for a self-assessment function were investigated. In the fall of 2018, the survey was conducted in the form of two questionnaires for the target groups concerned. Thereafter, analysis of data and result compilation took place. Results were published and communicated and the self-assessment function was opened via an on-line-service.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 4 December 2018

Reference number 2017-05363

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