Innovation Race for BioInnovation
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Coordinator | SP PROCESSUM AKTIEBOLAG - SP Processum AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 600 000 |
Project duration | December 2014 - October 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The goal of the project was to identify , formulate and visualize models for commercialization of bioeconomy projects. It proved to be difficult to identify practical barriers and eliminate them within the specified value chain. Especially when more than one value chain was discussed this became challenging. On a more general discussion of how the bioeconomy is to be realized, however went very good during the race, and the persons present gave many good ideas.
Expected long term effects
The race resulted in three published videos and in nine ideaposters which has been continued that worked after the race. Expectations were that it would have identified more obstacles in time and the lesson was that the race might have concentrated on a value chain . Race mångfacettering of various companies and organizations has led to many new relationships and also an important breeding ground for the development of new innovations in bioekonomi.r .
Approach and implementation
The method Innovation Race is interesting that at one point gather specialists concentrated in one area together to create new ideas. The race was conducted with the support of the consulting firm Innovation Plant. A total of 45 people in the race. The race consisted of two main groups , totaling 14 people , and a number of specialists in the back office , 20 people. During three days in a creative environment , and many committed people can with additional network achieve a lot.