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Innovation management in construction companies

Reference number
Coordinator Friends Of Gothenburg Innovation AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 599 999
Project duration October 2019 - February 2022
Status Completed
Venture Innovation management - contribute to the use of knowledge for increased innovation capability
Call Innovation management - contribute to the use of knowledge for increased innovation capability, 2019.

Important results from the project

The main result of the project is a guide, Developer driven innovation - a guide to increased innovative capacity. The guide aims to give developer organizations tools to increase their innovative capacity. The guide is based on a combination of research-based knowledge about the prerequisites for innovation in the construction sector and practical experience of translating such knowledge into organizational development and innovation processes, both from developers and consultants.

Expected long term effects

In the parts of the guide, we give tips and offer a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge. Our aim is that more developer organizations to either begin their innovation journey or further strengthen the innovation work they conduct today. Our hope is that the industry with the help of the guide will be able to find ways to go from implementing individual innovative pilot projects driven by engaged individuals to strategic and systematic innovation work that is supported fully by the management team and that innovation will be an integrated part of the business modell.

Approach and implementation

The work process had to adapt to the prevailing pandemic. The pandemic made the original plan with larger workshops unwieldy when we had to switch to digital meetings. A transition to shorter weekly meetings has proven to be more effective in processes like this. During weekly meetings, a single issue is processed and the ingredients in the process are gradually processed rather than arrange longer and more complex workshops.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 23 April 2022

Reference number 2019-02950

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