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INITIATE = InNovatIve acTIve integrATEd antennas

Reference number
Coordinator CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG - Chalmers tekniska högskola AB, Göteborg
Funding from Vinnova SEK 398 000
Project duration October 2017 - February 2018
Status Completed
Venture The strategic innovation programme Electronic Components and Systems:

Important results from the project

The goal of this project is to improve cost- and energy efficiency of 5G wireless communication transmitters through investigation of novel integrated active antenna concepts. The proposed project targets a complete proof-of-concept of IADAT = Integrated Active Doherty Antenna Transmitter, including in-depth understanding of its fundamentals and experimental verification of its key principles through a small-scale testbed. This also includes suitable packaging and filtering solutions.

Expected long term effects

1: Understanding of antenna-PA integration fundamentals by answering the following questions: Taking the IADAT solution as the starting point, what are the key design parameters and what are fundamental limits when used in MIMO arrays? What are the integration scaling laws? 2: Established multi-disciplinary design flow for deep integration active antennas; an optimum antenna element design. 3: Identified suitable packaging and filtering solutions for Doherty architectures. 4: Experimental demonstration of the IADAT concept

Approach and implementation

The research project is divided into 4 research lines: RL1: Antenna-PA integration fundamentals: 1.1: Fundamental antenna-PA integration limits; and 1.2.: Fundamental limits of integrated antennas in arrays RL2: A multi-disciplinary design flow 2.1: A numerical platform for combined simulations 2.2: Antenna element design RL3: Packaging and filtering 3.1: Practical system-level constraints 3.2.: System-level solutions for IADAT 3.3.: Reference solution for Doherty PA architectures RL4: Experimental testbeds for 4.1: A small scale IADAT 4.2.: Packaging and filtering

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2017-03553