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Industry Generic Flow Design

Reference number
Coordinator Linköpings universitet - IEI
Funding from Vinnova SEK 333 137
Project duration December 2014 - April 2015
Status Completed
Venture Strategic innovation programme for process industrial IT and automation – PiiA
Call Strategiska innovationsprogrammet PiiA - hösten 2014

Important results from the project

Enterprise management is a complex task and the purpose of this pre-study has been to develop an approach based on industry generic flow management. The goal of the pre-study was to design a project with the purpose: ´To develop decision support for enterprise management, within flow planning and control, that is based on a typology of industry generic properties.´ The result of the pre-study is very positive and it encompasses a research strategy with a portfolio of nine projects.

Expected long term effects

The result is a research strategy with an integrated research portfolio, which together will fulfill the purpose. Four more general effects can be identified if these projects are performed. The two fundamental effects are theory development and work processes for applying the theory. The two more application oriented effects are better support for generic flow management and a platform for development of the next generation IT-based decision support systems.

Approach and implementation

The pre-study has been performed by a workgroup of four representatives from three different academic institutions and three (initially two) from the industries: process, discrete manufacturing, and construction. The group has acted as a steering group that also has been responsible for performing the work. The meetings have been of controlling character for both follow up work and providing guidelines for future work. The work model has worked very well, and shown suitable for a pre-study.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2014-05110