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Inclusive Business Co-creation Accelerator

Reference number
Coordinator Lunds universitet - LU Open
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 567 670
Project duration December 2014 - December 2015
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The IBCA focuses on co-creating inclusive business models with the base of the pyramid (BoP) the 4.5 billion people living on less than $8 a day. Our vision is for Swedish business to play a leading role in addressing the global challenges of poverty by working towards global ambitions across 6 sectors: agriculture, healthcare, energy, water / sanitation, ICT, and textiles and clothing. The goal of the first year of this 3-year programme - to build an ecosystem for inclusive business with 6 sector-based alliances - has been met, involving almost 100 Swedish organisations.

Expected long term effects

Significant progress has been made over 2015. Ecosystem building has gone well, commencing at the Inclusive Business Forum involving 180 participants, which provided the basis for networking, collaboration and the development of concrete initiatives. Sector alliances have been established across the 6 sectors led by partners recruited to be sector leads, and have enrolled approximately 80 organisations. Each sector is has defined between 1-2 concrete activities that are being pursued in 2016, and has started working with partners internationally towards the sector ambitions.

Approach and implementation

2015 milestones have been met, including: Ecosystem building involving almost 100 Swedish organisations and 6 sector alliances Inclusive Business Forum completed with ~180 participants, evaluated as being of value to 80-90% 4 side-projects established involving energy solutions for India, immigrant communities, SMEs and the textiles and clothing value chain in Asia Online platform established with 7 portals and 6 LinkedIn groups Collaboration with numerous international partners Inclusive business helpdesk launched Frugal and reverse innovation report created

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2014-06277